Freiheitsindex 2023

Freiheitsindex 2023

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?
Seite 5 von 42
October 28, 2020. New York. – Five years of the most irritating, noisy, and inconsistent coverage of two U.S. presidential campaigns are coming to an end.

And instead of U.S. citizens turning their back on the political system, their response is clear: 2020 will see the highest commitment from U.S. citizens to their democracy in decades, if not ever.

“What began in 2015 with the media thinking long-held standards in coverage no longer mattered because high audience numbers in the short term often resulted in unexpected profits is now coming to an end five years later,” says Roland Schatz, founder and CEO of Media Tenor. “No matt...

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October 17, 2020. New York. – Media coverage and tone continues to strongly suggest that Biden will be the winner of the 2020 election, but the media tendency to declare a winner before voting is done must be resisted, according to new research from Media Tenor International.
October 13, 2020. Zurich – Dennis Snower turns 70 – an important voice on future issues in the media.
October 9, 2020. New York. – Media reaction to the only vice presidential debate of the campaign season showed a tighter race with a lack of clarity on which party can solve the economic chaos brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
October 2, 2020. New York. – Media reaction to the first presidential debate has strongly focused on criticism of Trump, and his statement that seemed to offer support to the Proud Boys, a group described as racist by the Southern Poverty Law Center, has been a particular driver of negativity, according to new research from Media Tenor International.

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20-jähriges Jubiläum

