Freiheitsindex 2024

Freiheitsindex 2024

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

CSR Index 2014

Around this time, about three years ago we embarked on a journey to make progress towards a more comprehensive understating of sustainability, as a fundamental issue, affecting our view of the economy, the evolution of the global geopolitical context, as well as the impact on management as a discipline. 

We set for us an ambitious goal, to make sustainability a more relevant issue, and by doing so we aimed at closing up the gap in terms of media coverage, by making the sustainability agenda a driving force shaping the public debate on innovation, growth and competitiveness. The starting point of what later on became the CSR 2014 Report was the focus on engaging a selected number of visionary leaders to contribute with their views about why does sustainability matter, and how does it shape the way they run their organizations, both in the private as well as in the public sector.

While we achieved our goal to build consensus on the overarching proposition that sustainability is a powerful force shaping the evolution of the global economy, we were fully aware of the monumental work still ahead of us, in making sustainability a priority in terms of policy making for governments, corporations, the academic world and communities at large.

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CEO Impact-Index

CEO Impact-Index