Freiheitsindex 2023

Freiheitsindex 2023

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Wie grün sind ARD und ZDF?

Africa Growth 2015- Second Revised Edition

“We are committed to the vision of an Africa Rising, an Africa that is no longer on the periphery but a continent that can take its rightful place in the community of nations.And driving this commitment to the growth and development of our continent is the need for us, as leaders in our respective spheres, to deliver a better quality of life for all the citizens of Africa. To us, as leaders, the citizens of the continent are not just a market for goods. Our people are at the heart of the spirit, the culture, the richness, the heritage of our continent. Our people make our continent amazing. Our people will carry the history of our continent in their bloodlines and pass it on to future generations. Our people will attest to our struggles to emerge as a dark and forgotten continent to a place of glory. Our fortunes are intertwined. Our destiny a collective one. Let us celebrate each other as citizens of one continent. We are citizens of a vibrant and dynamic continent. Let us work together to make our growth and development a reality.”

Charlotte Maponya
CEO of Maponya Group and Chairwoman of Brand SA

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